2004年5月7日,全省移民搬迁评审会上传采捷报, 《宁县以工代赈易地搬迁实施方案》顺利通过省发改委专家评审组的评审,总投资989.2万元,惠及247户1012名群众的易地移民搬迁项目最终敲定。说起这件事,知情人首先想到的是优秀共产党员、庆阳市首届人大代表、宁县发展计划局局长翟晓明。生在农村、长在农村的翟晓明对农村有深刻的了解和特殊的感情。1986年这位甘农大毕业的优秀学子毅然抉择回到家乡,在农业局一千就是16年。2000年担任乡镇和县发展计划局主要领导以来,在多次参加人大代表讨论、办理代表意见和深入基层调查时,他听到很多要求解决吃水、通电、修路等问题意见和建议,看到群众渴求改善休生养息的生产生活条件的急迫心情。
May 7, 2004, the province’s immigration relocation appraisal will be uploaded to adopt the newspaper, “Ningxian to work-for-ease relocation implementation plan” passed the assessment of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission expert review group, with a total investment of 9.892 million yuan, benefiting 247 households 1012 mass ex situ relocation project finalized. Speaking of this matter, the insider first thought of outstanding communists, Qingyang City, the first NPC deputies, Development Planning Bureau of Zhai Xiaoming. Born in the countryside, Zhai Xiaoming in rural areas have a profound understanding of the countryside and special feelings. In 1986, the outstanding student who graduated from Gannong University resolutely decided to return to his hometown, a year after the Bureau of Agriculture was 16 years. Since he was the chief leader of the township and county development and planning bureau in 2000, he has heard many opinions and suggestions on draft, water supply, power supply and road repairing when he attended the NPC deputies to discuss, handle the opinions of deputies and conduct in-depth investigations at the grassroots level. The people are eager to improve the urgency of living and recuperating living and working conditions.