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在燕山深处山海关角山古战场铁甲轰鸣,硝烟弥漫,一场防侦察监视,防精确打击、防电子干扰的高技术条件下伪装演练拉开了序幕。随着一颗红色信号弹升空,霎时,数百辆坦克、火炮,装甲输送车等重型装备消失得无影无踪,“敌”雷达、红外热像仪,战场电视、无人侦察机等对此进行全方位立体侦察,均未发现“蜘丝马迹”。“敌”空中来袭兵器也被某工兵团自行研制的固定式拦截网拦截并引爆……,这是北京军区进行的近似实战条件下伪装成果演示现场的一幕。近年来,北京军区认真贯彻军委总部科技强军的战略思想和关于开展新“三打三防”训练的指示,积极探寻伪装运用的有效途径,在伪装新知识学习、理论研究、人才培养、技术革新、训法创新、战法研究等方面取得了数百项成果。这次演练重点演练了对人员、装备车辆、指挥所及指挥所转移实施伪装,制作假目标、构筑假阵地、防精确打击、对集团目标实施烟 In the depths of Yanshan Shanhaiguan Kokusha ancient battlefield iron roar, filled with smoke, an anti-reconnaissance and surveillance, anti-precision strike, anti-interference under the high-tech conditions camouflaged rehearsal kicked off. As a red signal flare rose, instantaneous disappearance of hundreds of heavy equipment such as tanks, artillery and armored vehicles disappeared, and “enemy” radar, thermal imaging cameras, battlefield televisions and unmanned reconnaissance aircraft This conducted a full range of three-dimensional reconnaissance, did not find “slightest trace.” The “enemy” airborne weapons were also intercepted by a fixed interceptor network developed by a Corps of Engineers and detonated ... This is the scene of a demonstration site of disguised achievements under similar actual combat conditions conducted by the Beijing Military Region. In recent years, the Beijing Military Region has conscientiously implemented the strategic thinking of a strong military with science and technology in the headquarters of the Central Military Commission and instructions on conducting training in the new “three campaigns, three defenses,” and actively explores effective ways to camouflage the use of camouflage. In disguising new knowledge learning, theoretical research, personnel training, Innovation, training methods innovation, research on tactics and so on have made hundreds of achievements. This exercise focused on the implementation of the camouflage of personnel, equipment vehicles, command posts and command posts, the production of fake targets, the construction of fake positions, anti-precision strike, the implementation of the Group’s goal of smoke
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