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环境问题是当今世界各国都非常关注的问题,在世界人口不断增长、生产不断发展、人民生活水平不断提高的过程中,由于人们对环境与生产发展的关系认识不够,以及对废弃物处理不当,使环境受到不同程度的破坏,如土地的沙漠化、水资源危机、酸雨、臭氧层的破坏、有毒化学品造成的污染等。保护环境已成为当前和未来全球性的重大课题之一,保护环境也是实现可持续发展的前提,只有实现了可持续发展,生态环境才能真正得到有效保护,确保人与自然的和谐,是经济进一步发展的前提,也是人类文明得以延续的保证。所以化学教师在化学教学过程中应根据教学内容适时地对学生进行环保意识方面的教育,这是教师义不容辞的责任。 Environmental problems are a great concern to all countries in the world today. With the continuous increase of population, continuous development of production and continuous improvement of living standards of the people in the world, due to lack of understanding of the relationship between environment and production development and improper disposal of wastes, The environment has been damaged to varying degrees, such as land desertification, water crisis, acid rain, the destruction of the ozone layer, pollution caused by toxic chemicals and so on. Protecting the environment has become one of the major global and current topics for the present and in the future. Protecting the environment is also a prerequisite for achieving sustainable development. Only when sustainable development is achieved can the ecological environment be truly protected and human and natural harmony ensured. The premise of development is also a guarantee for the continuation of human civilization. Therefore, in the process of chemistry teaching, chemistry teachers should educate their students on environmental awareness timely according to the teaching content. This is an obligatory responsibility of teachers.
Flow Field Diagnosis“ is a unified technique which takes full advantages of the theo-retical calculations and experimental measurements, to rapidly and accurat
研究了二阶中立型非线性差分方程的振动性与非振动性,部分地推广了Thandapani E的工作.
在水溶液中合成了等当量电荷比的大分子复合物--线型聚丙烯酸(PAA)/十六烷基三甲基氯化铵(CTMA)复合物.DSC,X射线衍射及偏光显微镜观察研究发现,在-60 ℃至复合物热分解的温
小学生识字枯燥被动,容易回生,教师要充分调动学生学习的积极性,采用不同的教学方法,创设情境,联系生活,教授方法,培养学生主动识字的能力,使其养成良好的识字习惯。 Pupils