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外籍院士基于自己与中国科技界的合作经历,围绕中国科技发展与改革、中国科学院发展战略等议题,提出了自己的关切和真知灼见。每到两院院士大会召开的时候,总有一群人在会场格外引人注目。他们就是两院外籍院士。即便来自不同的国度,这些外籍院士却同国内的众多院士一样,有着共同的目标和期望:为中国科技事业的发展建言献策。6月10日,北京,中国科学院第十六次院士大会外籍院士座谈会召开。众多与会外籍院士基于自己与中国科技界的合作经历,围绕中国科技发展与改革、中国科学院发展战略等议题,纷纷 Based on their experiences of cooperation with the Chinese science and technology community and with regard to the development and reform of science and technology in China and the development strategy of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, foreign academicians have put forward their own concerns and insights. Each time the two academicians conference is held, there are always a group of people who attract extra attention at the conference. They are both foreign academicians. Even from different countries, these foreign academicians, like many other academicians in the country, share common goals and expectations: offer advice and suggestions for the development of science and technology in China. June 10, Beijing, Chinese Academy of Sciences, the sixteenth session of academicians held a forum of foreign scholars. Many attending foreign academicians based on their own experience with China's scientific and technological cooperation, focusing on China's science and technology development and reform, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and other issues of development strategies, have
12月4日,新疆维吾尔自治区党委副书记、自治区主席努尔·白克力在《新疆科协“国家级科技思想库”建设试点工作考核验收情况汇报》上作出批示:“思想库建设意义重大,应予支持。请财政每年给予适当保障。”12月9日,自治区党委常委尔肯江·吐拉洪也在该汇报上作出批示:“近段时间以来,科协工作很有成绩,望继续保持积极向上的工作状态,为自治区科协事业的发展进步作出更大的贡献。”  新疆维吾尔自治区主要领导的批示,
时下的媒体经常出现“学习型企业”、“学习型社会”以及“学习型社区”的字眼 ,颇为吸引人们的目光 ,关于“学习型组织”的书籍比如《第五项修炼》等 ,也是相当热门的畅销书
花园里种满了玫瑰花,装扮着整个花园。有个老奶奶守护在那里,给需要花的人提供方便。风儿看着花儿说:“多美丽的玫瑰花呀!希望它们都是幸运的玫瑰花。” The garden is full
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合并报表的母公司理论与经济实体理论孰优孰劣?本文试图从决策有用理论的角度对这一问题进行分析。 Which one is better for the parent company theory and the economic