Effects of Estrogen on ER, NGF, and ChAT Expression in Cerebellum of Aging Female Sprague-Dawley Rat

来源 :城市道桥与防洪 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:baichuan817
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This article discusses the effects of estrogen on the expression of estrogen receptor (ER), nerve growth factor (NGF), and choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) in the cerebellum of rats. The model of aging female rat was established to study the expression and distribution of ER, NGF, and ChAT in the cerebellum following 17β-estradiol treatment using the technique of immunohistochemical ultrasensitive SP in sprague-dawley rat. The immunoreactive productions were distributed in stratum Purkinje cell, nucleus dentatus, nucleus interpositus, and nucleus fastigii of cerebellum, and the ER positive production was mainly located in the plasma, cytoplasmic membrane, and neurite, and also existed in nucleus. The general tendency of the expression of ER, NGF, and ChAT positive production in the cerebellum cortex and nuclei of aging rat significantly decreases, while the intensity and quantity of the immunoreactive production ascends predominantly after 17β-estradiol treatment. Simultaneously, the positive neurite of Purkinje cell shows a similar tendency. The abovementioned results suggest that the estrogen upregulates the expression of NGF and ChAT, and plays a vital role in sustaining and protecting the structure and function of cerebellum neurons. Furthermore, the similarity of their changing tendency implies that they were correlated and cooperated during the course in effect of estrogen on cerebellum. It also showed that the action of estrogen in cerebellum could be via genomic and nongenomic mechanism.
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