Method of Stabilizing the Surface Energy of Fabrics Coated with Silicone

来源 :东华大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luohuixian11
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Silicone coatings have been used in this study. The method adopted was the liquid drop analysis on the coated fabrics. The contact angle between a liquid drop and the fabric surface was measured with two liquids continuously and recorded by a computer. The surface energy was calculated by means of Owens method.Kinetic measurement was adopted. The contact angle of liquids on the fabric coated silicone decreased with time was found. A compound solution DX has been found, so that the contact angle of the liquids on the fabric washed with DX becomes constant, and the surface energy of the fabric can be reduced to below 15 mJ/m2.
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