坚持科学精神 绘制美好蓝图——访著名规划专家许保春教授

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当前,全国各省、市、自治区均已确定了试点镇、中心镇、重点镇。但城镇规划存在的各种问题也日益突现,表现为:对城镇规划的重要性认识不足,规划水平低、粗制滥造;不吸取国家花了若干万亿买来的经验教训,不认真执行规划原则;好大喜功,不考虑资金的后续能力:遍地开花,不考虑县域、市域和小城镇体系布局的衔接等。小城镇必须防止规划失误造成的巨大损失和沉重代价。 为此,本刊将陆续推出我国著名的规划专家,学者和规划专业院所、优秀的规划设计方民,为各地小城镇建设服务。开设“个案评说”专栏,评析水平低下,质量粗劣的规划实例。欢迎各地提交规划现状图等资料,供我刊组织专家点评,籍以提高我国小城镇规划水平。 城镇规划要有自己的特色,以新的规划思路,达到高标准的规划设计。要充分利用城镇的地形、地貌,在城镇干道、文化娱乐中心及城镇园林绿化上下功夫,规划功能齐全和环境优美的城市景观,提高环境质量,切忌全国城镇千篇一律,规划手法雷同。 At present, pilot cities, towns, and key towns have been established in all provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions throughout the country. But there is town planning issues are also increasingly emergent, as follows: lack of awareness of the importance of urban planning, low level of planning, shoddy; do not draw the country spent a trillion bought a number of lessons, not seriously implement the plan in principle; Great joy, not considering the follow-up capabilities of funds: blossoming everywhere, without considering the convergence of county, municipality and small-town system layouts. Small towns must prevent the huge losses and heavy costs caused by planning mistakes. To this end, the journal will successively introduce China’s famous planning experts, scholars and planning institutes, and excellent planning and design Fangmin to serve the construction of small towns around the country. A “case review” column was set up to evaluate the low-level and poor-quality planning examples. Welcome to submit the planning current situation maps and other information for our magazine to organize experts to improve our country’s small town planning. Urban planning must have its own characteristics, with new planning ideas, to achieve high standards of planning and design. To take full advantage of the town’s topography, work hard in the town roads, cultural and recreational centers and urban landscaping, complete planning function and beautiful environment of the urban landscape, improve the quality of the environment, and avoid the monotony of urban planning practices similar.
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