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在初中的学习中,很多学生人为学习历史就只是为了应付考试,从而在思想程度上根本没有重视对历史的学习。历史本身属于文科,需要较强的兴趣爱好才能够学习好,很多学生对于书本上的东西并不感兴趣,认为内容枯燥乏味。主要原因是教师只重视书本上的内容以及应是考试的范围,因此在教学的过程当中有着很大的局限性。在新课程理念的建设下,部分教师忽视了教学的根本动机,缺乏与学生实际学习状况的连接。因此学习初中历史,应当运用新的教学理念,提高课堂教学质量,使学生燃起对历史学习的兴趣,用实际发展的眼光去解决生活中遇到的问题。 In the study of junior high school, many students study history just to cope with the exam, so that they do not pay any attention to history at all in their thinking. History itself belongs to liberal arts, which requires a strong interest in learning to be good, many students are not interested in the books, that the content boring. The main reason is that teachers only pay attention to the contents of books and should be the scope of the exam, so in the process of teaching which has a great limitation. Under the construction of the new curriculum concept, some teachers neglect the fundamental motivation of teaching and lack the connection with students’ actual learning conditions. Therefore, to learn the history of junior middle school, new teaching ideas should be applied to improve the quality of classroom teaching so that students can ignite their interest in learning history and solve the problems encountered in their daily lives with practical development.
AIM: To investigate the combined effect of STI571 and p27 gene clone on the regulation of proliferation, cell cycle and apoptosis of K562 cell line. METHODS: p2
A discourse is the combination of various sentences.These sentences are supposed to be not only cohesive in construction,but coherent in semantics.With the theo
羟酸酯用硼氢化钙还原为醇或醛NarasimhanS等[SynCommun,1995;25:1689]CaCl2与NaBH4在THF中作用生成的硼氢化钙在烯烃(如1,5-环辛二烯)催化下,可将脂肪族酯和芳香族酯高收率地还原为醇;芳香族酯还原的中间体──... Hydroxylates with