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《王的密码》是一篇很好看、很有味又很有闽南地域特色的“茶密码”小说。之所以不将小说简单地定义为谍战小说,在我看来,如果将这篇小说比作一杯散发着清香的铁观音,那么谍战仅仅是盛放这杯铁观音的茶瓯。在麦家宣布封笔谍战剧之时,谍战小说就已经过度透支了身体,跟风病、类型病、抄袭病等等不良症状,层见叠出。林筱聆显然也十分清楚这一点。那么,她创作的底气、另辟蹊径的灵感又来自于哪里呢?我以为,用通俗点的话来解答就是——“接地 ”The password of the king“ is a very good-looking, very sweet and very ”tea password “ novels. The reason why I will not simply define the novel as a spy war novel, in my opinion, if this novel is compared to a cup exudes fragrance of Tieguanyin, then spy war is only filled with cup of Tie Guan Yin tea pot. At the time of the announcement of the Secrets of the Fiji Peninsula, the spy war novels have already overdrawn their bodies, followed the unhealthy symptoms of disease, type disease and plagiarism. Lin Xiao-ling apparently also very clearly this point. So, her creative power, another way of inspiration comes from where? I think, the popular point to answer is - ”ground
通过对中学生数学创造能力的一次调查,分析了影响数学创造能力的若干因素,并提出相应的教学建议. Through a survey of mathematics creativity of middle school students, th
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编者注:本文是评论和推荐下列三部数学教科书并评论美国当前初等数学教学改革.现翻译刊登如下,供读者参考.三本书为:《Functionsandgraphs》byI.M.Gelfand,E.G.GlagolevaandE.E.Shnol;《Themetho... Editor’s Note: This article reviews and recomm
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