An updated Chinese vascular plant tree of life: Phylogenetic diversity hotspots revisited

来源 :植物分类学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:momoji12
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Large-scale phylogenies provide a framework for interdisciplinary investigations in taxonomy,evolutionary biology,biogeography,ecology,and conservation.Integration of regional tree of life and species distribution data has greatly promoted spatial phylogenetic studies on biodiversity,floristic assembly,and biogeographic regionalization.In this study,we updated the phylogenetic tree of Chinese vascular plants by integrating data from public databases and sequences newly generated by our laboratory,to facilitate the exploration of floristic and ecological questions at a country scale.A phylogenetic tree with 15 092 tips and 14 878 species was obtained,including 13 663 species (44.0%) and 2953 genera (95.7%) native to China.Only two families (Corsiaceae and Mitrastemonaceae) and 133 genera native to China are not sampled in this study.Low proportion of sampling is detected in orders with high species diversity and those with low species diversity.The Hengduan Mountains,plus the western Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and western Xinjiang,show the greatest gap of target molecular data for angiosperms.Our phylogeny of Chinese vascular plants recovers relationships among and within major lineages that are highly congruent with published phylogenies at a broader scale.Most families (98.7%) are supported as monophyletic,and 573 genera (17.9%) are recognized as non-monophyletic.Finally,hotspots of phylogenetic diversity for the Chinese angiosperms at both the genus and species levels are identified based on our phylogram,implicating conservation priorities for phylogenetic diversity.The updated phylogeny of Chinese vascular plants is publically available to generate subtrees through our automated phylogeny assembly tool SoTree in the DarwinTree platform (
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一、真空室上偶极涡流对测量的影响 在托卡马克放电中,出现宏观不稳定性时,等离子体电流会出现小的正尖峰,并在整个大环上沿水平方向向内快速收缩。这时真空室(薄不锈钢壳)
Diapensia the second largest genus of Diapensiaceae.The taxonomic treatment within Diapensia and relationships within Diapensiaceae have been disputed.Chlo
[摘 要] 在越来越激烈的人才竞争中,通过计算机技术进一步地强化职业院校的人事档案管理工作的质量与效率,不仅是今后职业院校人事档案管理工作的重要发展态势,也是国家建设信息化社会的需要。  [关 键 词] 新形势;职业院校;人事档案管理  [中图分类号] G710 [文献标志码] A [文章编号] 2096-0603(2016)13-0084-01  随着知识经济的不断兴起,教育事业也在不断发展,职