主动转换机制 焕发企业活力

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黑龙江省水产供销公司在水产品经营环境复杂多变、市场竞争日趋激烈的新形势下,公司主动转换经营机制,积极寻求在市场经济条件下国有水产批发企业争生存、求发展的新路子。1994年销售水产品4500吨,人均劳效、资金周转次数、资金利税率等几项主要经济指标均列省内同行业前列,经济效益达到229万元,扭亏后实现利润5万元。 一、加大改革力度,增强企业活力。一是完善经营机制,打破公司沿袭多年统一购销的“集权制”.把水产站、渔需站、业务部、粮油部等从公司母体中分离出去,组成水产分公司、冷冻厂等新的经济实体,把二级核算单位推向市场,直接参与竞争。为了拓宽筹资渠道,形成自我发展、自我约束的新机制,创办了副 Under the new situation that the aquatic product management environment is complex and changeable and the market competition is fierce day by day, the company proactively changes its management mechanism and actively seeks for a new path for the state-owned aquatic product wholesale enterprises to survive and develop under market economy. In 1994, the sales of 4,500 tons of aquatic products, the per capita labor efficiency, the number of funds circulated, the capital profit tax rate and other key economic indicators ranked the forefront of the industry in the province with an economic benefit of 2.29 million yuan and a profit of 50,000 yuan after the turnaround. First, increase reform efforts and enhance the vitality of enterprises. First, improve the operating mechanism, to break the company unified purchase and sale for many years, “centralized system.” The aquatic products station, fishing station, business department, grain and oil ministries separated from the parent company to form a branch of aquatic plants, refrigeration plants and other new economy Entities, the two accounting units to the market, directly involved in the competition. In order to broaden the funding channels, the formation of self-development, self-restraint of the new mechanism, founded the deputy
关于实系数一元二次方程ax~2+bx+c=0,我们有如下三个重要的结论(记Δ=b~2-4ac,x_1和x_2表示方程的两根): (1)当Δ≥0,x_1·x_2>0,x_1+x_2>0时,方程的两根都是正数; (2)当Δ
根据RISI包装纸业务副总裁Ken Waghorne先生称,美国盒纸板需求量在2015~2016年以年均2.1%的增长率增长,这是继2011年以来,美国盒纸板需求量连续4年来持续不振之后迎来的较快
的。第一试一、选择题 (本题满分48分,每小题6分)每小题都给出四个结论,其中只有一个是正确相交成如图所示的图形,则共得同旁内角( ). (A)4对; (B)8对l (C)12对; (D)16对. 6.
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