A new result on global exponential robust stability of neural networks with time-varying delays

来源 :Journal of Control Theory and Applications | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yijun5802382
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In this paper, the global exponential robust stability of neural networks with time-varying delays is investigated. By using nonnegative matrix theory and the Halanay inequality, a new sufficient condition for global exponential robust stability is presented. It is shown that the obtained result is different from or improves some existing ones reported in the literatures. Finally, some numerical examples and a simulation are given to show the effectiveness of the obtained result. In this paper, the global exponential robust stability of neural networks with time-varying delays is investigated. By using nonnegative matrix theory and the Haarlan inequality, a new sufficient condition for global exponential robust stability is presented. It is shown that the obtained result is is different from or improves some existing ones reported in the literatures. Finally, some numerical examples and a simulation are given to show the effectiveness of the obtained result.
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