
来源 :中国青年 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:IceMilo
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他是国内最受瞩目的职业漫画家之一。曾应邀参加2001年亚洲漫画论坛。其代表作品《梦里人》由中央电视台斥资近千万改编为同名动画片,该片是中央电视台第一部由本土漫画改编的大型青春题材动画片,也是国家广电总局推荐的10部优秀动画片之一。该片由超级女声张含韵演唱主题曲,在中央电视台播出后引起了强烈的反响。《梦里人》是中国的原创漫画第一部改编的动画片。他也因此成为中国内地漫画作者中在动漫产业链“连载——单行本——TV 动画——剧场动画——周边产品”上走得最远的人。 He is one of the most watched professional cartoonists in the country. Invited to participate in the 2001 Asian Manga Forum. The representative works “Dreams” from CCTV to spend nearly 10 million into the animation of the same name, the film is the first CCTV by the local comic adapted large-scale youth theme animation, but also the State Administration of Radio recommended 10 excellent animation One of the films. The film by the super girl Zhang Yun concert theme song, aired on the Central Television caused a strong response. “Dreams of people” is the first animated adaptation of China’s original manga. As a result, he has also become one of the comic book authors in the Mainland who has traveled the longest in the animation industry chain, “Serialized - Single Line --TV Animation - Theater Animation - Peripheral Products”.
Covered self-expandable metal stents were developed to overcome tumor in-growth through the metal mesh.Stent migration is one of their malfunctions.Recently,the