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经历了令人失望的巴黎奥运会和圣路易斯奥运会,奥林匹克运动在1906年又回到了雅典。希腊与顾拜旦男爵都希望再度弘扬1896年奥林匹克精神。他们达成谅解,在两届奥运会之间,每4年加一次奥运会,由希腊主办。 After a disappointing Paris Olympics and the St. Louis Olympics, the Olympics returned to Athens in 1906. Both Greece and Baron Coubertin hope to carry forward the spirit of the 1896 Olympic Games again. They reached an understanding that between the two Olympic Games, an Olympic Games will be held every four years, hosted by Greece.
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What if I told you it was all meant to be?Would you believe me? Would you agree?It’ s almost that feeling that we’ ve met beforeSo tell me that you don’ t t
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