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目的:探讨钛网对幼羊颅骨生长发育的影响。方法:按随机数字表法将健康雌性小尾寒羊分为3组,分别为钛网组(n n=3)、钛钉组(n n=3)及假手术组(n n=3)。钛网组将标准钛网以矢状缝为中线垂直覆盖于幼羊颅骨上,并在固定点(a、b、c、d、e、f)植入钛钉固定;钛钉组仅在固定点植入钛钉;假手术组仅切开头皮至骨膜不做任何处理。术后30 min及随后每6个月评估3组的神态和行动能力、采食行为及反刍行为。术前及术后24个月检测3组实验羊头围。手术中植入钛钉后和术后24个月对3组实验羊行头颅CT扫描,并测量钛网组和钛钉组的钛钉间距。手术植入钛钉后和术后24个月采用游标卡尺测量钛网组和钛钉组的钛钉间距。术后24个月处死3组实验羊后,测量其脑重量和脑容积。n 结果:3组幼羊手术均成功,且均无死亡。术后30 min及术后6、12、18、24个月时,3组实验羊神态和行动能力、采食行为及反刍行为的差异均无统计学意义(均n P>0.05)。3组实验羊手术前、后比较,头围均增加(均n P0.05)。通过CT和游标卡尺测量的结果均显示,手术时,钛网组和钛钉组每两颗钛钉间距的差异均无统计学意义(均n P>0.05);术后24个月时,钛钉组的钛钉间距bc、de、af、ad、ae、fb、fc、ce、bd、be均较钛网组增大(均n P0.05)。钛钉组术后24个月时,钛钉间距bc、de、af、ad、ae、fb、fc、ce、bd、be均较手术时增大(均n P0.05)。n 结论:将钛网固定于幼羊颅骨并不影响其生长发育,且对其行为学和大脑容积也无显著影响;同时发现固定钛网的钛钉随颅骨的生长滑行移动,无钛网限制的钛钉随颅骨生长而“随波逐流”。“,”Objective:To explore the effects of titanium mesh on the skull development of young sheep.Methods:According to the random number table, healthy female small-tailed Han sheep were divided into three groups, namely titanium mesh group (n n=3), titanium nail group (n n=3) and sham operation group (n n=3). In the titanium mesh group, standard titanium mesh was vertically covered on the skull of young sheep with the sagittal suture as the midline, and titanium nails were implanted at the fixation points (a, b, c, d, e, f). In the titanium nail group, only titanium nails were implanted at fixation points. In the sham operation group, the skin was cut to the depth of periosteum without any treatment. The three groups were assessed 30 min after surgery and every six months for their posture and motor ability, feeding behavior and rumination behavior. The head circumferences of the three groups of sheep were measured before and 24 months after operation. CT scanning was performed on the heads of three groups of experimental sheep at 24 months after implantation of titanium screws, and the titanium nail spacing from titanium mesh group to titanium nail group was measured. The space distances between titanium nails in the titanium mesh group and the titanium nail group were measured with a vernier caliper after surgical implantation of the Titanium Nail and 24 months after operation. Three groups of experimental sheep were sacrificed 24 months after operation, and their brain weights and brain volumes were measured.n Results:The operations of three groups of young sheep were successful, and there was no death. At 30 minutes, 6, 12, 18, and 24 months post operation, there was no statistically significant difference between the three groups in the sheep′s appearance, mobility, feeding behavior and ruminating behavior (all n P>0.05). The head circumferences of three groups of experimental sheep were increased post operation compared with those prior to operation (alln P0.05). The results of head CT and vernier caliper measurement showed that there was no statistically significant difference in the distance between every two titanium nails in the titanium mesh group or titanium nail group during operation (alln P>0.05). At 24 months post operation, the distances between the titanium nails bc, de, af, ad, ae, fb, fc, ce, bd, and be in the titanium nail group were all larger than those in the titanium mesh group (alln P0.05). At 24 months post operation in the titanium nail group, the distances between the titanium nails bc, de, af, ad, ae, fb, fc, ce, bd, and be were all increased compared with those during operation (alln P0.05).n Conclusions:The fixation of titanium mesh repair material to the skull of young sheep does not seem to affect their growth and development, and has no significant effect on its behavior or brain volume. Meanwhile, it is suggested that the titanium nails fixing titanium mesh “slide” with the growth of skull without titanium, while those restricted by the mesh “follows the flow” as the skull grows.
不是老板椅太大,而是陷在里面的人过于瘦小。顼世栋从父亲的办公桌后面弹起来:“还是我的椅子舒服。”  这个21岁的小青年喜欢开车,也喜欢美食,会驾着自己的凯迪拉克一口气跑两个小时去中意的馆子吃鱼头。他的父亲是位成功的商人,但并非是他可以随心所欲吃鱼头的原因。也许五年后他的财富和影响会超越父亲,这将成为他向父亲致敬的最佳方式。    辍学    在江苏常州这个闷热潮湿的清晨,按照母亲的规划,顼世栋应该
【摘 要】作者对计算机科学与技术发展现状进行深入剖析的基础上,对未来计算机科学与技术的未来的发展进行了深入地浅析。旨在对计算机科学与技术的发展提供有效的参考。  【关键词】计算机科学与技术;发展趋势;高速计算机;超微技术  一、现阶段计算机科学与技术的发展状况分析  1、计算机科学与技术对现阶段社会发展的贡献  现阶段计算机科学与技术参与了社会的生产和生活的众多领域,极大地提升了现代社会人们的生活
看一档指导就业类的电视栏目,镜头前一个二十出头的女孩子吸引了我。  那个女孩叫吴敏,湖南人,上过3年的职业高中,当过餐厅服务员,推销过化妆品,还做过保姆。如今,年仅23岁的她已是一家有着几百万元固定资产的公司的总经理了。  从身无分文到腰缠万贯,吴敏仅仅用了3年的时间便实现了这一跨越,然而有谁会想到,这成功竟然是缘于一场事故。  3年前,吴敏正在一户人家当保姆,女主人让她陪着去参加一个楼盘的开盘活
1908年9月19日,蒙哥马利从桑德赫斯特皇家军事学院毕业,随后被分配到皇家沃里克郡团当一名少尉军官。是年12月12日,他随皇家沃里克郡团第一营驻防 On September 19, 1908, M