Diagnosis and classification of hepatic echinococcosis by ultrasonography

来源 :中华医学杂志英文版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zxy6651
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Objective To make an early and correct diag-nosis of hepatic echinococcosis.Methods A total of 1092 patients with hepatic echinococcosis underwent operation in our hospital between 1984 and 1995. Of these paitents, 427 (39.1%) were cases with complications, including secondary infection, rupture, obstructive jaundice, anaphylactic shock, disseminated implantation with resultant multiple echinococcosis and portal hypertension. The ultrasonic examination has been generally used in clinical practice for comprehensive evaluation which can dectedct the preoperative diagnostic accuracy rate.Results B-mode ultrasonography can be used not only to detect the location, dimension and pathological characteristics of hydatid cyst but also to show the pathological changes of various complications caused by echinococcosis. Seven patts specific ultrasonic scanning images were revealed. In this series the diagnostic accuracy rate reached 98.8%.Conclusions Ultrasonic examination is harmless to human body, and has been widely used in combination with immunological tests in clinical and epidemiological studies to detect the asymptomatic parasite carriers in early stage and to improve the preoperative diagnostic accuracy rate.
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