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来源 :CHINA TODAY | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jhf44623386
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  THOUGH the recession hasn’t stung here as hard as it did in many other countries, China has still felt the discomfort of a world economy in turmoil. Alarmed by increasing uncertainty in life, many Chinese people have taken a cautious attitude toward spending. Many however are finding it difficult to live without the extra pleasures and comforts they have become accustomed to in China’s recent boom years. This has propelled creative minds to scramble for ways to get the most out of their money. They concluded that through simply sharing they could realize their desires while saving money at the same time. Referred to as pinke (pronounced pin-keur) in Chinese, these people buy in bulk to get the best prices for the group, and trade assets or services to reduce expenses. With their numbers growing swiftly, websites are popping up that help shoppers find partners and exchange tips. They have found ways to share everything from apartments to vacations, and even pets.
The Book of Poetry recounts this strange and beautiful legend in detail. Re-search of old texts concluded the Qinglongriver valley was the site of this legend, andthat river is known today as the Qing
The dictionary, publishedlast September, makes a verytimely addition to the librariesof such students: the long-termoccupants of shelf space wereperhaps beginning to show signsof their age, struggling
"Ten years have passed,and neither concern hasproved justified. Both Chinaand the rest of the world havebenefited from Chinese membership,"said Sun Zhenyu, China's first ambassa-dor to the WTO, on his
Chinese athletes availing themselvesof the state training system are not al-lowed to start a relationship at an earlyage, but Li didn't listen to that. Shefell in love when she was 16 years old.The di
The poem captures the beautifulscenery of Yangzhou in spring, the thirdmonth referring to the Chinese lunar cal-endar, which approximates to April onthe Gregorian calendar.
Yang: When cities reach a certainstage of development a number of urbanmaladies appear: first, housing problems-which we have been experiencing;second is traffic, and then environment.
Oil was first discovered here in 1959,when the region was nothing but wilder-ness. This coincided with the 10th an-niversary of the founding of New China,so the place was named "Daqing" (lit. bigceleb
THE west has a special significance to the Chinese nation. It is the headwater of the Yangtze, Yellow and a few other major rivers that have given rise to and sustained Chinese civilization. It is als
The implementation of China’s opening-up policy rolled out a set of tactics within a general strategy – let some people and some places get rich first. Deng Xiaoping also emphasized on several occasio
The presence of the Dai was first re-corded in Han books in the first century.This ethnic group is mainly found inYunnan in southwest China, the provinceknown as the "land of eternal spring." Ithas it