In the City

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  In the City
The World Wildlife Fund protects animals all over the world. The symbol of the World Wildlife Fund is giant panda.  Giant pandas are famous for their black and white coats. They are almost 2 meters lo
【口语展台】  1. —Is there a restaurant on Bridge Street? 在桥街有一个餐馆吗?  —Yes, there is. 是的。  2. —Where is the park? 公园在哪里?  —Its across from the bank. 在银行对面。  【情景再现】  A: Excuse me. Is there a hotel around her
【写作话题】  本单元围绕“The Neighborhood”话题,让学生学会描述各种街区设施、建筑物、地理位置,同时能够正确描述到达某一地点的路线。在写作中要正确使用相关的方位介词,问路指路的句型。命题方式有看图作文,提示性作文等。  【写作素材】  Places  post office, police station, hotel, restaurant, bank, hospital, s
一、一般过去时“变身术”——构成和句型  【课本原句】  1. —Were the strawberries good? 草莓好吃吗?  —Yes, they were./ No, they weren't. 是的,它们好吃。/ 不,它们不好吃。  2. —Did you see any cows? 你看见奶牛了吗?  —Yes, I did. I saw quite a lot. 是的,我看见了
The raft  The Tin Woodman built a raft①. When it was finished, they all pushed it into the water and got on. Dorothy and Toto sat in the middle. The Lion stood at the front. The Scarecrow and the Wood
When Steven woke up, it was hot and the sun was bright. He was in the bottom of his life raft (筏) and very uncomfortable. What day was it? Steven didn't know exactly. He guessed that his boat sank (沉没
1. 次序关系:  first, first of all, to begin with, to start with, second, next, then, afterwards, finally, eventually, lastly, at last, last but not least (最后不能不提)  2. 因果关系:  because, since, as, for, due t
1. in order to... 为了……  He worked very hard in order to realize his dream. 为了实现他的梦想,他学习非常努力。  2. so...that... 如此……以至于……  They were all so tired that they could do nothing but yawn. 他们太累了,除了打哈欠什么都做不了。 
Heihe is a big city in the north① of China. Its snowing this Sunday in November. Many children are still playing outside. Theyre wearing thick② clothes. Some of them are making snowmen. Some are runni
Kunming is in the south of China. The winter is short and dry with cool nights. It never gets very hot in summer. You can see beautiful flowers everywhere all year round. So people call it “The Foreve