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近日在《新西部》杂志中读了一篇《张锦秋:“与古人对话”的建筑大师》的文章,文中平实的笔触、详实的材料浓墨重彩地介绍了张锦秋院士的成长历程、设计业绩及城市建设的理念等,但我总觉得这些并不能完全代表现实中的张总。有次参加同学聚会,有位在外地教书多年未曾谋面的同学,说起我的工作单位是中国建筑西北设计研究院,她即刻回答到,她知道我院的总建筑师张锦秋,并接着说,她读过张锦秋的散文《佛光寺》。不是建筑成就而是文学作品令她熟知这位建筑界名人,这实在使我大感惊异,同时暗想也许这才是真实的全面的张锦秋。 Recently, in “New West” magazine, I read an essay titled “The Master of Architecture” by Zhang Jinqiu, “Dialogue with the Ancients.” The detailed brushwork and detailed materials give a brilliant introduction to the growth process, design performance and urban construction of Academician Zhang Jinqiu Concept, etc., but I always feel that these can not completely represent the reality of Zhang. There are times to attend class reunion, there is a field teaching for many years did not meet students, talking about my work unit is China Northwest Architecture Design and Research Institute, she immediately replied, she knew the hospital’s chief architect Zhang Jinqiu and went on to say, She read Zhang Jinqiu’s essay “Buddha Temple.” It was a real surprise that I was not surprised by the fact that she was familiar with the celebrity in the architecture industry not because of her achievements in architecture but also because she thought maybe this is a true and comprehensive Zhang Jinqiu.
子宫内膜异位症(endometriosis ,EMs)是指子宫内膜组织在子宫腔被覆内膜及子宫以外的部位出现、生长、浸润,引起痛经、不孕、盆腔包块及性交痛,是生育年龄女性的常见病、多发