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国内有关虻类的调查研究甚少。据所能查到的文献有陈世骧、郭郛二氏(1949)总结国内虻类87种。邓国藩氏(1957)研究了土灰虻的生活史。刘维德氏(1958)对中国的麻虻属作了分类学研究。此外,日本侵占东北期间,日本人桑山、高桥、高木、大内诸氏曾对东北虻类进行过分类学调查。Ricardo氏(1911),Stebhoven氏(1929)亦作过虻类的报告。但国内有关虻类的分布,危害情况仍然缺乏了解。对防制工作更未见记载。 There are very few domestic research on catfish. According to the literature that can be found there are Chen Shifang, Kuo Kui II (1949) Summary 87 species of domestic species. Deng Guofan (1957) studied the life history of earthworm. Liu Weide (1958) taxonomy of China made a taxonomic study. In addition, during Japan’s occupation of the northeast China, Japanese people such as Sangsan, Takahashi, Takagi and Okuzu have conducted taxonomic surveys on the northeastern clam. Ricardo’s (1911), Stebhoven’s (1929) also made a report of the genus. However, the distribution of domestic species, the situation is still a lack of understanding. No record of prevention work.
病虫害调查及损失估计 进行病虫害调查时,因为地区广阔,不可能每一个地方都调查,只能通过几个点取样检查来估计全面情况。因此,取样的原则就要具有足够的代表性,取样的具体方
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用反向间接血凝法、噬菌体技术和喷菌法,对安徽全椒、芜湖、石台、合肥等地区上年水稻白叶枯病重病田内和田边的若干种越冬后的植物作带菌检测,结果表明:茭白(Zizanin caduci