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在初中历史教学过程中,微故事教学方法的广泛应用得到了教育界的广泛关注。将历史编辑成一段段小故事诉说给学生听,不仅吸引了学生的注意力,还提高了学生掌握历史知识的能力。将微故事应用在历史教学过程中,可操作性极强,而且微故事也正符合初中学生的心理需求。详细论述微故事应用于初中历史教学的重要意义。 In the process of junior high school history teaching, the widespread application of micro-story teaching methods has drawn extensive attention from the education community. Editing the history into a little story tells the students not only the students’ attention, but also their ability to master the historical knowledge. The application of micro-story in history teaching process, highly operable, and micro-story is also in line with the psychological needs of junior high school students. The significance of using micro-stories in history teaching in junior high schools is discussed in detail.
ZnIn2S4 microspheres have been solvothermally prepared at 160℃ for 12 h with ZnCl2.2H2O,InCl3,and thiourea as the starting reagents in ethanol.The morphology,s
The precursor with TiC0.7N0.3@WO3-MO3 microspheres were prepared by a novel method from the WO3-MoO3 sol dipping. Subsequently, TiC0.7N0.3@WC-MoC2 core-shell st
常明昌办公室里有一颗硕大无比的灵芝,令人称奇。办公室墙上“菇神”两个遒劲的大字,更引人侧目。  原九三学社中央副主席、农业部副部长洪绂曾的题字,道出了九三学社社员、山西农业大学教授常明昌30年追梦之路,诠释了科技成果转化的传奇。  把论文写在大地上  时间回放到1992年。  太谷街头,一个戴眼镜的年轻人推着辆破三轮车,走街串巷收罐头瓶。知识分子最放不下的就是这张脸,面对过往行人不时投去的诧异目光
Gd-based bulk metallic glass has drawn strong attention because of its large magnetic entropy changes. Thermal stability of metallic glass is a very important i