
来源 :工业安全与防尘 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hncdbf
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为了保证桥式起重机的安全运行,在起重机运行期间需进行一些安全常规检查,检查项目及要点如下: (1)起升高度限位器、行程限位开关及各联锁机构性能正常,安全可靠。 (2)各主要零部件符合安全要求:①吊钩无裂纹,危险截面磨损小于10%,开口增大小于原尺寸的15%,扭转变形小于10%;板钩衬套磨损小于原尺寸的50%,板钩心轴磨损小于5%,无剥落、毛刺、焊补。②吊钩挂架及滑轮无明显缺陷。⑧钢丝绳表面钢丝磨损、腐蚀量小于钢丝直径的40%,断丝在一个捻距内小于总丝数的10%,无断头,无明显变细,无芯部脱出、死角扭拧、挤压变形、退火、 In order to ensure the safe operation of the overhead traveling crane, some safety routine inspections are required during the operation of the crane. The inspection items and main points are as follows: (1) The lifting height limiter, the travel limit switch and each interlocking mechanism are of normal performance, safe and reliable . (2) The main components meet the safety requirements: ①Hooks without cracks, the risk of cross-section wear less than 10%, the opening increased less than 15% of the original size, torsional deformation of less than 10%; hook and loop bushing wear less than the original size of 50 %, Hook Shaft wear less than 5%, no flaking, burr, welding repair. ② hook hanger and pulley no obvious defects. ⑧ steel wire rope surface wear and tear less than 40% of the diameter of the wire diameter, broken wire in a lay length less than 10% of the total number of filaments, no break, no significant thinning, no core prolapse, dead twist, squeeze Deformation, annealing,
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