Power scaling on tellurite glass Raman fibre lasers for mid-infrared applications

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The power scaling on mid-infrared Raman fibre lasers (RFLs) is in demand for applications in health, environment and security. In this paper, we present the simulated laser behaviours of the tellurite glass RFLs pumped by 300-W Tm-doped fibre lasers (TDFLs) at 2~\unicode[STIX]{x03BC}\text{m} for the first time. By combining the advantages of the TDFLs and tellurite fibre, the output power at 2.35~\unicode[STIX]{x03BC}\text{m} has reached over hundreds of watts by first-order Raman shift. Moreover, the cascaded RFLs have been demonstrated with a wavelength extension greater than 3~\unicode[STIX]{x03BC}\text{m} and output power of tens of watts. To maximize the output power and the slope efficiency of the RFLs, we further analyse the interaction between the Raman gain and cavity loss, which are determined by fibre length and output reflectance of the laser cavity.
针对传统单片柱透镜和柱面反射镜成像光束不理想以及视场通常小于1°,提出并设计了一种三反射式柱面结构。对柱面光线追迹及单片柱面镜成像进行了深入分析,分别设计了三反射式圆柱面和二次曲线柱面系统,提出了一种基于抛物柱面镜理想线聚焦的新型像差优化方法,使其在子午面方向各视场调制传递函数得到最佳优化,并达到成像光谱仪等在狭缝方向上高空间分辨率要求。其子午面总视场均达到了3°,在45 lp/mm分辨率条件下,边缘视场子午面方向的调制传递函数分别优于0.2和0.6。
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开展了入射角度对1064 nm纳秒激光诱导水下等离子体声波信号特性影响的研究,结果表明:当激光垂直入射时,激光诱导水下等离子体声波信号强度最大;随着入射角度增大,激光诱导水下等离子体声波信号强度逐渐减弱。由等离子体发光图像可知,激光诱导水下等离子体产生了多次聚焦。随着入射角度增大,水等离子体长度逐渐增加,等离子体腔体半径逐渐减小,且水等离子体发光辐射强度逐渐变弱。这是因为空气-水界面处的光学折射效应导致透镜的等效焦距变大,延长了聚焦透镜的瑞利长度,从而使激光诱导水下等离子体声信号的强度变弱。研究结果对激光
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