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目的掌握四川省通江县农村45岁及以上中老年人钩虫感染流行特征及影响因素,给政府及主管部门正确决策提供科学依据。方法采用Kato-Katz法查钩虫卵并计数(一粪两检),试管滤纸培养法鉴定钩虫虫种。结果通江县农村中老年钩虫感染者均为美洲钩虫感染,平均感染率为16.49%,以轻度感染为主(94.51%);有明显地区性感染差异(χ2=9.11,P<0.05),改水改厕和环境卫生较差的农村感染率高达17.74%;无明显性别感染差异(χ2=2.95,P>0.05);有明显年龄别感染差异(χ2=6.42,P<0.05),以60~74岁年龄组感染率最高为20.21%;无明显职业别感染差异(χ2=3.22,P>0.05);有明显文化程度感染差异(χ2=9.67,P<0.05),感染率随文化程度的增高而降低,以文盲感染率最高为23.53%,以高中/中专及以上最低为0。现阶段农村改水改厕覆盖面小、用新鲜粪便施肥对环境和土壤的污染、居民赤脚下地劳动和对钩虫病防治知识知晓度不高、2006年以来未开展集体驱虫均是钩虫感染流行的重要影响因素。结论通江县农村中老年人钩虫感染呈较高水平流行,但94.51%的感染者为轻度感染正处于防控的最佳时机,政府应当制订今后5年甚至10年包括钩虫病在内的人体重点寄生虫病防治规划,强化目标管理、监督检查和考核奖惩,确保有关职能部门将以健康教育、传染源控制、改水改厕、改善环境、疾病监测为主的综合性防治措施落实到位。 Objective To understand the epidemiological characteristics and influencing factors of hookworm infection among middle-aged and over-aged people in rural areas of Tongjiang County, Sichuan Province, and to provide a scientific basis for the government and competent departments to make correct decisions. Methods Kato-Katz method was used to detect hookworm eggs and count (one feces and two feces), and tube filter paper culture method was used to identify hookworm eggs. Results The prevalence of hookworm in middle-aged and elderly hookworms in rural Tongjiang was 16.49%, with mild infection (94.51%). There was significant difference in regional infection (χ2 = 9.11, P <0.05) There was no significant difference between sexes (χ2 = 2.95, P> 0.05); there was a significant difference in age-specific infection (χ2 = 6.42, P <0.05) The highest infection rate was 20.21% in the age group of ~ 74 years old. There was no significant difference in occupational infection (χ2 = 3.22, P> 0.05). There was significant difference in educational level (χ2 = 9.67, Higher and lower, the highest rate of illiteracy infection was 23.53%, high school / technical secondary school and above minimum 0. At this stage of rural water and toilet lavatories are small, with fresh manure fertilization of the environment and soil pollution, residents work barefoot and knowledge of the prevention and control of hookworm disease awareness is not high since 2006, the collective deworming are hookworm infection The important influence factor. Conclusion The prevalence of hookworm infection in rural middle-aged and elderly people in Tongjiang County is relatively high. However, 94.51% of the infected patients are in the best time for prevention and control of mild infections. The government should formulate hookworms in the next 5 years or even 10 years Strengthen the management of target, supervise and inspect and rewards and punishments to ensure that the relevant functional departments will implement the comprehensive prevention and control measures based on health education, source control, water and toilets, environmental improvement and disease surveillance In place.
目的 探讨重症患者院内转运的安全护理.方法 对132例重症患者院内转运前的准备、转运途中安全护送的方法进行回顾分析.结果 132 例重症患者院内安全转运.结论 重症患者院内转