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南京市宁海中学语文组本着“减负优质”的教学理念,在教学中取得了一个又一个令人赞叹的成绩。先后两次荣获南京市先进教研组称号。作为南京市课改先锋,语文教研组以扎实的教研活动和创新的教学理念,谱写着宁海人的语文之歌。守正创新,提升课堂教学品质。语文组紧紧抓住课改契机,着力课堂教学改革,努力提高课堂教学品质。在长期的探索中,逐步提炼出“品质语文”的理念:即语文课堂努力追求语文味浓、思维力足、对话场强和覆盖面广的教学目标。通过深入的文本解读和精巧的教学设计,突出文本和语文学科的核心价值,切实提升课堂教学品质。 Nanjing Ninghai middle school language group in line with “Neglect ” teaching philosophy, made one after another amazing teaching achievements. Has twice won the title of Nanjing Advanced Teaching and Research Group. As a pioneer of curriculum reform in Nanjing, the Chinese language teaching and research group compiles songs of the Ninghai language with a solid teaching and research activity and innovative teaching philosophy. Shouzheng innovation, improve classroom teaching quality. Language Group firmly grasp the opportunity for curriculum reform, focus on classroom teaching reform, and strive to improve classroom teaching quality. During the long-term exploration, the concept of “quality language” is gradually refined: that is, the language class strives to pursue the teaching goals of strong language, strong thinking ability, strong dialogues and wide coverage. Through in-depth text interpretation and exquisite teaching design, highlighting the core values ​​of texts and Chinese subjects, and effectively improving the quality of classroom teaching.
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