胡耀邦同志不幸与世长辞,噩耗传来,举国悲痛。作为一个党的理论工作者,我更为失去一位解放思想的先锋、知识分子的知音而痛惜不已! 耀邦同声一直高举解放思想的旗帜,粉碎“四人帮”后,更以非凡的胆略和勇气,积极组织和推动关于真理标准问题的讨论。1977年底,耀邦同志在中央党校提出,研究党的历史要遵守两条原则:一是完整地准确地理解毛泽东的有关指示,二是以实践为检验
Unlucky Comrade Hu Yaobang died in the world, bad news came, the entire country grief. As a theoretical worker in the party, I am even more deprived of the knowledge of the vanguard and intellectuals of an emancipatory mind, who have been holding aloft the banner of emancipating their minds altogether and shattering courage and courage even after the smashing of the “gang of four.” Actively organize and promote discussions on the standard of truth. At the end of 1977, Comrade Hu Yaobang proposed at the Central Party School that studying the history of the party must abide by two principles: first, a complete and accurate understanding of Mao Zedong’s relevant directives; second, a test of practice