上世纪,正是那些放纵的政治哲学思想驱使我们一再走向悬崖边缘,并使全球意识到这样一个严峻问题:“人类能否幸免于其自身?”本世纪,我们看来准备迎接不同性质的问题。 气候变化、海平面升高、生态系统被毁、设计婴儿、物种大量灭绝、克隆、转基因食物以及扩散大规模毁灭性武器——这些都证明了对凄凉未来的集体想像。 不过,这一次应该负责的是科学和技术的思想,而我们将向我们
In the last century, it was the indulgent political and philosophical thinking that drove us to edge off the cliff again and again and made the world aware of such a serious question: “Can man be spared from itself?” This century, we appear to be prepared to meet different kinds of problems . Climate change, rising sea levels, the destruction of ecosystems, the design of infants, the massive extinction of species, cloning, genetically modified foods and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction - all prove a collective imagination of the bleak future. However, this time should be responsible for the ideas of science and technology, and we will be to us