The Key Technologies in Multi-Call Processing of the VoIP Gateway

来源 :Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shlpsfs
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Because Gateway serves many users, there are some related problems to be solved, such as the allocation and management of multiple calls, the synchronization of multiple threads, the state transference and time-out processing. To solve these problems, key technologies in our implementation will be proposed, which are important to the stability and efficiency of the Gateway. At last, the test of our Gateway is shown and analyzed. Because Gateway serves many users, there are some related problems to be solved, such as the allocation and management of multiple calls, the synchronization of multiple threads, the synchronization of multiple threads, the state transition and time-out processing. To solve these problems, key technologies in our implementation will be proposed, which are important to the stability and efficiency of the Gateway. At last, the test of our Gateway is shown and analyzed.
目的 进行体外分离和培养兔角膜缘干细胞,使之成为一种上皮组织,以便进行角膜移植.方法 组织块法体外培养兔角膜缘干细胞:角膜缘组织块作为外植体,在脱细胞猪角膜基质上培养;
目的 总结先天性膈疝(congenital diaphragmatic hernia,CDH)产前程序化管理的临床结局.方法 收集产前诊断为左侧膈疝患儿,回顾分析在产前程序化管理下CDH的新生儿期临床结局
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