学习思想工作:形式要新 内容要实

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加强学生思想教育,必须紧跟时代潮流,与时俱进;必须抓住本校学生的特点,有的放矢。多年来的学生工作实践,我的体会是:形式要新,内容要实。形式是内容的一部分,是内容的先导。新颖的形式符合青少年求新求变的心理,自然能吸引青少年学生参加。近年来,我们举办了学生摄影、漫画、五子棋、球类、征文等比赛;组织学生参观科技馆、东方绿舟、瞻仰“一大”会址、祭扫烈士陵园、举办“十八岁成人仪式”;由学生自办上音附中广播台,组织青少年志愿者;参与外事活动接待;为受灾地区群众捐款、参与公益活动;由学生自行组织了文学社、话剧社等。活动形式多样,参与学生面广,收到效果明显。 To strengthen student ideological education, we must keep up with the trend of the times and keep up with the times; we must seize the characteristics of our students and be targeted. For many years of student work practice, my experience is: the form must be new and the content must be real. The form is part of the content and is the precursor to the content. The new form is in line with the psychology of young people seeking new ideas, and naturally attracts young students to participate. In recent years, we have organized student photography, comics, backgammon, ball games, and essay competitions; organized students to visit the Science and Technology Museum, Oriental Green Boats, pay a visit to the “big” meeting place, sweep the Martyrs Cemetery, and hold an “Eighteenth Adult Ceremony” The students themselves run the Upper Secondary School Radio Broadcasting Station to organize youth volunteers; participate in the reception of foreign affairs; donate money to the affected areas and participate in public welfare activities; the students themselves organize literature clubs and drama clubs. The activities are diverse in form, participating in a wide range of students, and receiving significant results.
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