Effect of Light Quality on Photosynthesis and Chlorophyll Fluorescence in Strawberry Leaves

来源 :Agricultural Sciences in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zq867123
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The photosynthetic characteristics of strawberry (Fragariaananassa Duch. cv. Toyonoka)leaves under illumination of identical light intensity(55-57% natural light) withdifferent light quality were studied. It was showed that the chlorophyll content,maximal photochemical efficiency of PSⅡ(Fv/Fm), Fm/Fo, amount of inactive PSⅡreactioncenters (Fi-Fo) and rate of QA reduction were positively correlated with the red-light/blue-light ratios, but the chlorophyll (a/b) ratios were negatively correlated withthem. Carotenoid content of the leaves was maximum under the blue film, than under greenfilm, red film, white film and yellow film, and negatively correlated with the red/far-red ratios. The apparent quantum yield (AQY), photorespiratory rate (Pr) and carboxylationefficiency (CE) were also strongly affected by light quality. The photosynthetic rate(Pn) in strawberry leaves under green film was significantly lower than under all otherfilm. Our results suggested that light quality is an essential factor regulating thedevelopment of PSⅡ, and phytochrome and an independent blue light photoreceptor,possibly a cryptochrome, can regulate photosynthetic performance. The photosynthetic characteristics of strawberry (Fragaria ananassa Duch. Cv. Toyonoka) leaves under illumination of identical light intensity (55-57% natural light) with differentifferent light quality were studied. It was showed that the chlorophyll content, maximal photochemical efficiency of PSII (Fv / Fm / Fo, amount of inactive PSII reaction center (Fi-Fo) and rate of QA reduction were positively correlated with the red-light / blue-light ratios, but the chlorophyll (a / b) content of the leaves was maximum under the blue film, than under greenfilm, red film, white film and yellow film, and negatively correlated with the red / far-red ratios. The apparent quantum yield (AQY), photorespiratory rate (Pr) and carboxylationefficiency (CE) were also strongly affected by light quality. The photosynthetic rate (Pn) in strawberry leaves under green film was significantly lower than under all otherfilm. Our results suggested that light quality is an ess ential factor regulating the development of PSII, and phytochrome and an independent blue light photoreceptor, possibly a cryptochrome, can regulate photosynthetic performance.
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