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在节能降耗中,钢铁业之所以备受关注是因为中国钢铁产量已稳居全球第一,钢铁业也是耗能和污染比较集中的行业。目前我国钢铁工业的总耗能接近全国总能耗的20%,吨钢综合能耗存在着降低10%的节能潜力。去年7月,国家发改委能源所针对武钢节能降耗工作做了实地调研,结论是:从武钢的经验可以看出,钢铁工业如若通过实施包括淘汰落后、强化改造等措施来推动节能技术进步,可节约能源近4000万吨标准煤,如果这一目标能够实现,将为实现20%节能目标做出重要贡献。 In energy conservation and consumption reduction, the reason why the steel industry is concerned is because China’s steel output has already ranked first in the world, and the steel industry is also an industry that consumes relatively more energy and pollution. At present, the total energy consumption of China’s iron and steel industry is close to 20% of the national total energy consumption. There is a 10% energy saving potential for comprehensive energy consumption per ton of steel. In July last year, the State Energy Development Institute of the National Development and Reform Commission conducted field research on the energy conservation and consumption reduction of Wuhan Iron and Steel Corporation. The conclusion is: From the experience of Wuhan Iron and Steel, we can see that if the iron and steel industry promotes energy-saving technological progress by implementing measures including eliminating and lagging behind and strengthening transformation, it can Saving nearly 40 million tons of standard coal, if this goal can be achieved, it will make an important contribution to achieving the 20% energy saving target.
日前,中国纺织工业协会在北京举行全国部分纺织产业集群试点地区座谈会,并与集群试点地区签署试点协议,贯彻建设和谐社会和科学发展观的精神,促进新型纺织产业集群建设。 Re
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