
来源 :病虫测报参考资料 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:soboy1478
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一、重视病虫测报技术政策的研究。农作物病虫害予测予报是解放以来在农业技术推广中取得成绩较大的一个项目。从中央到地方,成立了专门机构,有了一支专业队伍,制定了统一的测报办法,开展了多种重大的粮、棉病虫予测予报。特别是近年建立全国褐稻虱联合测报网,采取架设高山捕虫网、航空捕捉以及多点调查,对长距离迁飞性褐稻虱的测报很有进展,并对测报技术水平的提高亦有所贡献。但应看到、我国目前测报基础薄弱,手段落后,技术水平低,不能适应生产发展 First, attention to pest forecasting technology policy research. The forecast of crop pests and diseases is a project that made great achievements in agricultural technology promotion since the liberation. From the central government to the localities, special agencies have been set up, a team of professionals has been established, a unified reporting method has been put in place, and various major grain and cotton diseases and insect pests have been reported. Especially in recent years, the establishment of a joint national brown rice louse nets, take the establishment of mountain nematode, aerial capture and multi-point survey, the long-distance migratory brown planthopper measured very good progress, and to improve the technical level of the survey also contribution. However, we should note that at present our country has a weak foundation for measurement and reporting, backward means and a low level of technology, which can not be adapted to the development of production
1977年到1981年我们先后从河北省10个专区的82个县市收集了小斑病的标样110份,1982年进行统一测定,共出现14个生理小种。其中以中 O 小种最多,占34,6%。其他13个小种中,中 C
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一、前言“HD-1”是美国Dulmage于1970年从红铃虫上分离得到的一个对棉铃虫等害虫毒力较强的菌株,在苏云金杆菌分类上属血清型3a3b,定为库斯塔克变种(Bacillus thuringiensi
(四)田园管理的改良。这方面包括田园清洁、中耕、追肥、灌溉、排水、果树的修剪等。 田园清洁首先要求清除作物的各种残余物,如遗株(茬)、枯枝、落叶、落果等,因为在这些残
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