18世纪末,在英国的伦敦和法国的巴黎,人们同时为预防天花的牛痘苗发明者琴纳(1749-1823)塑造了纪念像。在巴黎的像座上镌刻着这样的颂词:“向母亲、孩子、人民的英雄致敬!” 琴纳出生于英国柏克辛的一个牧师家庭,他从小喜爱医学,不愿继承父业,13岁时给当地一位老医生当助手。7年后,到伦敦学医,成绩优异,获医学学士学位。他谢绝了大医院的重金聘请,毅然回到故乡,为农民看病。那些年代,天花猖獗,夺去了千百万人的生命,少数幸存者也落得终生面目丑陋。这使身为医生的琴纳深感不安,他决心找出一种防治天花的方法来。他认真研读了中国将天花疱浆吹入
At the end of the 18th century, commemorative images were also made by Jenner (1749-1823), the inventor of vaccination against smallpox in London, England and Paris, France. On the plinth in Paris are engraved the words: “Pay tribute to the heroes of the mother, the children and the people!” "Jenner was born in a pastor’s family in Burkinet, England. He loved medicine from an early age and did not want to inherit his father’s estate, When 13 years old an assistant to a local doctor. Seven years later, he studied medicine in London and achieved excellent results with a bachelor’s degree in medicine. He declined the big hospital hired, decided to return to his hometown, see a doctor for the peasants. In those days, the smallpox was rampant, claiming the lives of millions of people and the few survivors also falling ugly for the rest of their lives. This makes Jenner, a doctor, deeply disturbed and determined to find a way to control smallpox. He carefully studied China will blister into the ceiling