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海仑宾馆地下-10m深的基础工程,国外原设计者确定桩基采用H型钢桩,地下围护采用钢板桩。他们认为这个方案技术上先进,质量上有保证,工期可以大大缩短。虽然投资成本高一点,但是从宾馆早日投入营业这一点来看,即使多花些钱也是合算的。对于这些观点,我们建设单位认为:就海仑宾馆的特殊地理位置而言,H型钢桩虽较原先的钢管桩有较大改进,但是要实施这个方案也十分困难。因为工地周围的环境十分复杂,如果在施工中出了事故,无论抢修和赔偿均要有一定的时间和精力去处理,这样就可能把原方案缩短工期的优势丧失,而且必将造成工程投资的加码和损失。为了吸取有关工程基础施工的教训,更好地贯彻市和区政府领导的指示,保护工地周围道路和地下管线,减少对工地附近房屋设施的影响,经建设单位、设计单位和施工单位反复推敲,最后决定桩基采 The underground construction of the Hailun Hotel is at a depth of -10m, and the original foreign designers decided to use H-shaped steel piles for the pile foundation and steel sheet piles for the underground enclosure. They believe that this program is technologically advanced, quality assured, and the duration can be greatly shortened. Although the investment cost is a little higher, from the point of view of the hotel being put into operation as soon as possible, it would be cost-effective to spend even more money. For these viewpoints, our construction company believes that, in terms of the special geographical location of the Hailun Hotel, the H-shaped steel piles have been greatly improved compared with the original steel piles, but it is also very difficult to implement this plan. Because the environment surrounding the construction site is very complicated, if an accident occurs during construction, both the repair and compensation must have a certain amount of time and energy to deal with. This may result in the loss of the advantage of shortening the construction period of the original plan, and it will inevitably cause investment in the project. Overweight and loss. In order to learn lessons about the basic construction of the project, better implement the instructions of the leaders of the municipal and district governments, protect the roads and underground pipelines around the construction site, and reduce the impact on the housing facilities near the construction site, the construction unit, design unit, and construction unit repeatedly scrutinized. Finally decided pile foundation mining
一、猜字谜。1.左边是树,右边是树,去了中间,依然是树。2.有真有假,有假有真,半真半假,半假半真。3.下看多一半,上看一半多,若要猜着了,不能 First, guess the word puzzle.
不久前,我的一位好友租了间门面,开了家海鲜小酒馆。起初,酒馆的生意不太好,一天接待不了几位顾客,有时甚至一整天都等不来一位。所以,早上购进的海鲜,有的到了晚上就坏了,只好扔掉。  一天傍晚,好友看着坏掉的海鲜,眉头紧锁,他实在舍不得把这些花钱买来的海鲜白白扔掉。这时,店里进来几位顾客,点名要吃好友正要扔掉的海鲜。好友无奈地说:“实在对不起,这些海鲜已经不新鲜了,我正准备扔掉,你们改天再来吃,好吗?
本文介绍高层大开间预应力板墙体系的特点及预应力墙模型和12层整体模型试验的主要研究结论,并介绍试设计工程的计算分析结果及施工要点。 This paper introduces the chara
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