Study of differential proteins in lung adenocarcinoma using laser capture microdissection combined w

来源 :中华医学杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zzy705664916
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Background In recent years the proportion of lung adenocarcinoma (adCA) which occurs in lung cancer patients has increased. Using laser capture microdissection (LCM) combined with liquid chip-mass spectrometry technology, we aimed to screen lung cancer biomarkers by studying the proteins in the tissues of adCA.Methods We used LCM and magnetic bead based weak cation exchange (MB-WCX) to separate and purify the homogeneous adCA cells and normal calls from six cases of fresh adCA and matched normal lung tissues. The proteins were analyzed and identified by matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-fight mass spectrometry (MALDI-OF-MS). We screened for the best patt using a radial basic function neural network algorithm.Results About 2.895x106 and 1.584x106 cells were satisfactorily obtained by LCM from six cases of fresh lung adCA and matched normal lung tissues, respectively. The homogeneities of cell population were estimated to be over 95% as determined by microscopic visualization. Comparing the differentially expressed proteins between the lung adCA and the matched normal lung group, 221 and 239 protein peaks, respectively, were found in the mass-to-charge ration (M/Z)between 800 Da and 10 000 Da. According to t test, the expression of two protein peaks at 7521.5 M/Z and 5079.3 M/Z had the largest difference between tissues. They were more weakly expressed in the lung adCA compared to the matched normal group. The two protein peaks could accurately separate the lung adCA from the matched normal lung group by the sample distribution chart. A discriminatory patt which can separate the lung adCA from the matched normal lung tissue consisting of three proteins at 3358.1 M/Z, 5079.3 M/Z and 7521.5 M/Z was established by a radial basic function neural network algorithm with a sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 100%.Conclusions Differential proteins in lung adCA were screened using LCM combined with liquid chip-mass spectrometry technology, and a biomarker model was established. It is possible that this technology is going to become a powerful tool in screening and early diagnosis of lung adCA.
3.2 碲镉汞探测器在短波红外谱区的性能rn适合敏感可见光的短波红外列阵探测器在短波红外谱区的性能也得到了测量.人们特地测量了这种探测器在0.9μm至3μm范围内的光谱响应.
目的 探讨健侧S1作为动力源神经修复1例骶丛撕脱伤的安全性与有效性.方法 2007年11月收治1例骨盆骨折伴左下肢功能障碍3个月患者,男性,10岁.术前检查:左臀部、大腿后侧、小腿外侧及足部皮肤感觉麻木或缺失,左髋外展、左膝屈曲和足踝部活动丧失.X线片示左骶髂关节分离术后、左耻骨上下支骨折.椎管照影显示左侧L4~S1根部假性硬膜囊肿.肌电图检查提示骶丛神经损伤.在全身麻醉下行左侧骶丛神经探查+健侧
目的 探讨颈动脉斑块与冠心病及其等危症的相关性.方法 入选我科2002-2007年行冠脉造影术并同时做颈动脉超声检查的患者156例,将冠脉造影结果与颈动脉超声结果进行对比分析,
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1 资料与方法1.1 一般资料 63例均为我院 1999年 1月~ 2003年 3月锁骨骨折住院病例,男性 42例 (1例为双侧骨折 ),女性 21例;年龄为 6~ 29岁 22例, 30~ 59岁 35例, 60~ 91岁 6例;
目的 探讨保脾术治疗外伤性脾破裂的可行性和手术方式.方法 对60例非手术治疗患者进行回顾性分析.结果 60例脾破裂全部采用保脾手术治疗,58例治愈,治愈率96.6%;2例死亡,死亡3