40Ar/39Ar dating for Cenozoic kamafugite from western Qinling in Gansu Province

来源 :科学通报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lw_hualei
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40Ar/39Ar ages were determined for 6phlogopite samples from a kamafugite pipe occurring in western Qinling, yielding a time span of 22 to 23Ma for kamafugite eruption. Together with known geochronological data for the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP) and its peripheral regions, it is concluded that these Cenozoic potassic-ultrapotassic volcanic rocks are products of post-collisional volcanism. The age of the Cenozoic volcanic rocks in western Qinling partly overlaps that of potassic volcanics from the Gandise belt, reflecting the northward migration of the post-collisional volcanism in QTP. The age data not only confirm the temporal and spatial migration of post-collisional volcanism in QTP, but also provide geochronological constraints on the geodynamic setting at depth and the regimes of the tectonic evolution since Neogene in western Qinling regions.
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