
来源 :四川戏剧 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guoguangyun_09
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现代舞作为与现代文化相对称的舞蹈形态,它一方面继承了传统舞蹈在表现戏剧文化和社会主题方面的能力;另一方面又以全新的舞蹈语言大刀阔斧地锐意改革,将古典戏剧精神转化成为现代戏剧更为多元与宏大的观察视角,以人体的自然之美揭示更深层的戏剧含义。本文除了对以上内容进行深层解析,还以王亚彬现代舞作品的主题立意与戏剧情结为参照,通过创作实例来说明现代舞如何驾驭和诠释具有人文情怀的戏剧主题,并与欣赏者之间搭建起具有审美共鸣的桥梁。 As a form of dance that is symmetrical with modern culture, modern dance inherits the ability of traditional dances to show dramatic culture and social themes. On the other hand, it takes drastic and bold reforms with the new dance language and transforms the spirit of classical drama into Modern drama is more diverse and ambitious observation perspective, to reveal the deeper meaning of the drama with the beauty of human nature. In addition to the deep analysis of the above contents, this article also takes the theme conception and drama complex of modern works of Wang Yabin as a reference to illustrate how the modern dance manages and interprets the theatrical themes with human feelings and sets up a dialogue with the audience A bridge of aesthetic resonance.
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