我所于1980年11月为考核卡介苗接种效果在阳转调查中发现某小学五年二班强阳性率偏高的现象,现将调查结果报告如下: 在接种12周后复查376人,阳性率56.4%;强阳性率1.1%,接种一年后复查发现某小学五年二班46名学生阳性率高达93.5%,强阳性率23.9%,但同校五年一班阳性率37.6%强阳性率4.4%。已知两班在12周后阳性率和强阳性率均无显著差别(P>0.05),而在一年后两班差别均有非常显著意义(P<0.01)。为进一步查明两班感染程度和发病的关系,全
I was in November 1980 to assess the effect of BCG vaccination found in the positive rotation survey of a primary school two strong strong positive rate of two classes, the findings are reported as follows: 12 weeks after inoculation 376 were reviewed, the positive rate 56.4%; strong positive rate of 1.1%, one year after inoculation found that a primary school sophomore 46 46.5% positive rate of 93.5%, a strong positive rate of 23.9%, but the same school five years a positive rate of 37.6% strong positive rate 4.4%. It was known that there was no significant difference between the two groups in the positive rate and the strong positive rate after 12 weeks (P> 0.05). However, there was a significant difference between the two shifts after one year (P <0.01). To further clarify the relationship between the two classes of infection and the incidence of all