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构建区域特色经济的思考河北省井陉县计划局局长韩春素党的十一届三中全会以来,我国的社会生产力得到了巨大的解放和发展,综合国力明显增强。但是,在经济高速增长的情况下,也存在一些问题,比如地区间产业、产品结构趋同,支柱产业选择雷同等。因而在制定区域经济和社... Constructing a Regional Economy with Unique Features Since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Party in charge of the Planning Bureau of Weifang County in Hebei Province, China’s social productive forces have been greatly liberated and developed, and their overall national strength has been significantly enhanced. However, in the case of rapid economic growth, there are also some problems, such as inter-regional industries, the convergence of product mix and the same choice of pillar industries. Thus in the formulation of regional economy and society ...
天津大学国家工业结晶技术研究推广中心与天津天药药业股份有限公司合作承担的“地纳精制结晶生产中新工艺与设备的研究开发”项目日前通过验收 .专家组认为 ,该项目大大加强
CuInSe2 films were electrodeposited onto indium tin oxide(ITO) substrate in constant current mode using bell-like wave modulated square wave in aqueous solution
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仕与隐的抉择 人生的道路千万条,士脚下的大路有两条:一条是仕,一条是隐。这是两条完全不同的人生道路。道路不同,一生的命运也完全不同。走仕的道路能享受荣华富贵,耀祖光