Micromorphological Features of Old Cultivated and Modern Soils in Guanzhong Areas, Shaanxi Province,

来源 :Agricultural Sciences in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:michel_lin
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Using the data obtained from the LGT soil profile, this article attempts to illustrate the process of modern soil formation in the Guanzhong areas and its micromorphological features. The micromorphology is observed under a petrographic microscope, and its image is quantitatively measured by LEICAL Qwin 2.6 software. Micromorphological observations of the thin sections show that the assemblage of minerals in different horizons is very similar, which is mainly composed of Q and Pl. However, there are obvious differences in C/F15 μm ratio, mineral content, and coarse features. The pedofeatures is mainly composed of clay, calcite, and amorphous Fe. Ap horizon is characterized by abundant needleshaped secondary calcite, secondary clay, and earthworm fecal pellet. BC horizon is characterized by a large quantity of secondary calcite with various shapes. Bt1and Bt2 horizons are characterized by abundant clay hypocoatings and a small quantity of secondary calcite. All the results of this research suggest that Earth-cumulic Orthic Anthrosols consist of both the upper Ap horizon, which cause loessal dung and eolian dust deposition, and cultivation occurs simultaneously during the process of Ap horizon-formation, and the lower BC horizon, which is aeolian sedimentary at the time of relative aridity during late Holocene. Using the data obtained from the LGT soil profile, this article attempts to illustrate the process of modern soil formation in the Guanzhong areas and its micromorphological features. The micromorphology is observed under a petrographic microscope, and its image is quantitatively measured by LEICAL Qwin 2.6 software . Micromorphological observations of the thin sections show that the assemblage of minerals in different horizons is very similar, which is mainly composed of Q and Pl. However, there are obvious differences in C / F 15 μm ratio, mineral content, and coarse features. Ped horizon features are mainly composed of clay, calcite, and amorphous Fe. Ap horizon is characterized by abundant needleshaped secondary calcite, secondary clay, and earthworm fecal pellet. BC horizon is characterized by a large quantity of secondary calcite with various shapes. Bt1 and Bt2 horizons are characterized by abundant clay hypocoatings and a small quantity of secondary calcite. All the results of this rese arch suggest that Earth-cumulic Orthic Anthrosols consist of both upper ap horizon, which causes loessal dung and eolian dust deposition, and dressing arises simultaneously during the process of Ap horizon-formation, and the lower BC horizon, which is aeolian sedimentary at the time of relative aridity during late Holocene
将GFMCO PS800型钻机与GT450型拖拉机组装在一起,实质上是一台多用途钻机和大功率越野车结合起来成为一个整体。它具有四种钻进方法,即在硬岩钻进行 Combining the GFMCO PS