
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘.眼科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:clhsmith001
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Case report: A sixty year old woman presented with a tumor of the caruncle that had persisted for one year. Ophthalmologic history was unremarkable. Physical examination disclosed an indolent, tight elastic, highly vascularizated tumor. The lesion measured five millimeter in diameter. Histopathology revealed tall columnar cells with small round nuclei. The cytoplasm stained positive with hematoxylin and eosin. The typical histopathologic features were consistent with an oncocytoma. Conclusion: Tumors of the caruncle are very heterogenous because the caruncle contains tissues of the conjunctiva and the epidermis. Therefore to exclude a malignant process an exci-sional biopsy should always be performed even so in general tumors of the caruncle are benign. The most frequent tumors of the caruncle are papilloma, nevi, pyogenic granuloma, epithelial inclusion cyst and chronic inflammation. In only 4% of the cases oncocytomas are found even the oncocytoma is considered to be a typical tumor of the caruncle. Case report: A sixty year old woman presented with a tumor of the caruncle that had persisted for one year. Ophthalmologic history was unremarkable. Physical examination disclosed an indolent, tight elastic, highly vascularizated tumor. The lesion measured five millimeter in diameter. Histopathology revealed The histopathological features were consistent with an oncocytoma. Conclusion: Tumors of the caruncle are very heterogenous because the caruncle contains tissues of the conjunctiva and the epidermis. Thus to The most frequent tumors of the caruncle are papilloma, nevi, pyogenic granuloma, epithelial inclusion cyst and chronic inflammation. In only 4% of the cases oncocytomas are found even the oncocytoma is considered to be a typical tumor of the caruncle.
年龄:35  出生地:浙江上虞  教育:大学(浙江工业大学)  主要公司:建龙钢铁集团   公司总部:河北唐山  第一次上市:没有  主要行业:钢铁制品  资产:0.87亿美元  富豪排名:并列第95位    张志祥看起来很瘦弱,相貌普通,不太标准的普通话里有着很浓的书生气,说话的语气软软的。这样的人居然是做钢铁的?而且在短短3年时间里收购了3家国有钢铁企业。  张的创业经历听起来并不太迷人,这其
年龄:40  出生地:湖南长沙  教育:大学(北京理工大学,管理学系)  主要公司:佰仕达控股  公司总部:香港  第一次上市:香港主板--1168佰仕达控股(1998年6月),香港创业板--8132百江燃气控股(2001年4月)  主要行业:公用事业,深圳房地产  资产:1.55亿美元  富豪排名:第37位    《福布斯》介绍:欧亚平曾经在南京做过教师,在家乡做过外贸经理。他的第一桶金来自九十
庄义友   男 ,1 952年生 ,广东普宁人。中共党员 ,中国修辞学会会员 ,广东省中国语言学会会员 ,广东省青年书法家协会会员。现任韶关学院教授 ,院长办公室主任 ,韶关学院语
具有高浓度、高扬程、大流量、长距高输送特点且以全新隔离方式出现的MGLB型膜隔离浆体泵,1988年6月完成半工业性试验以 MGLB Membrane Isolation Slurry Pump with High C
1 优势项目的分布改革开放以来 ,我国的竞技体育取得的成绩为世人瞩目。从参加第 2 3~ 2 6届奥运会比赛的情况分析 ,后 3届的成绩提高的趋势符合我国经济和体育事业发展的实