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近年来,央视在确保导向正确的情况下,深挖时政报道资源,拓展时政报道领域,在时政新闻的改革和创新上取得重要突破。本文以最近两年央视在报道胡锦涛主席重大出访消息时所做的创新为例,对央视时政新闻的改革和创新作探寻和分析,以寻找规律,固化经验。一、深度挖掘时政资源创立立体报道新模式多年来,央视在报道领导人重大出访活动方面积极探索,打破以往重点在《新闻联播》发消息的报道常规,探索出新闻、专题、评论、直播特别节目立体呈现,主题新闻、配合报道互为补充,内外宣频道多角度报道的丰富而立体的模式,向国际社会展现了中国负责任的大国形象和胡锦涛主席的领袖风采。 In recent years, CCTV, under the guidance of ensuring correct orientation, has dug deep into the coverage of the current affairs resources and expanded the coverage of the current affairs and made major breakthroughs in the reform and innovation of current affairs news. Based on the recent innovations made by CCTV in covering the news about Chairman Hu Jintao’s major trips, this article explores and analyzes the reform and innovation of CCTV’s political affairs news in order to find out the regularities and solidify the experience. First, the depth of mining political resources to create a new model of three-dimensional reports Over the years, CCTV in the coverage of major leaders visit activity actively explore and break the previous focus on the “news network” send news routine, to explore the news, features, reviews, live special The three-dimensional presentation of the program, the theme news and the supplement of the report complement each other. The extensive and three-dimensional model of multi-angle coverage of the channel by both inside and outside the Central Government shows the international community the image of a responsible big country and the leader style of President Hu Jintao.
本文旨在检测谷氨酸促代谢型受体(metabotropic glutamate receptors,mGluR)各亚型在肺腺癌A549细胞中的表达,并进一步探讨呈高表达的mGluR8和mGluR4激活对A549细胞体外生长
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谷子原产我国,品种资源极为丰富,为了加速谷子耐旱品种资源的选择和利用,我们对谷子抗旱形态和生理指标进行了研究。 In order to accelerate the selection and utilizati
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