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去年九月,党的第十二次全国代表大会向全党和全国人民提出了全面开创社会主义现代化建设新局面的伟大号召,并进一步确定了党在新的历史时期的路线、方针和政策。去年十二月,在党中央和国务院的关怀下,为讨论开创档案工作的新局面,更好地为社会主义现代化建设服务的问题,召开了全国档案工作会议。中央书记处书记胡启立同志在参加会议的各省、市、自治区党委副秘书长、办公厅副主任座谈会上作了重要讲话。会议对各级档案部门三年来贯彻执行中发[1980]16号文件和国发[1980]246号文件的成绩和经验进行了全面、系统的总结,并提出了今后八年的奋斗目标和近三年的任务,还讨论修改了档案工作的几个重要文件。这些都将对开创我国档案工作的新局面产生重要而深远的影响。 Last September, the 12th National Congress of the Party proposed to the entire party and the people throughout the country a grand call for a new situation in building an overall socialist modernization, and further defined the party’s line, principles and policies in the new historical period. In December last year, under the care of the Central Party Committee and the State Council, we discussed the issue of opening up a new situation in archives work and better serving the socialist modernization drive and held a meeting on archives work throughout the country. Comrade Hu Qili, secretary of the Central Secretariat, made an important speech at the forum held by the deputy secretary general and deputy director general of the party committees of provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions attending the conference. The meeting conducted a comprehensive and systematic summary of the achievements and experiences of the archival departments at all levels in the implementation of the [16] Document No. 16 [1980] and No. 246 [1980] Document of the State Council in the past three years and put forward the goal for the next eight years Three years of mission, but also discussed several important documents to modify the file. All of these will have an important and far-reaching impact on the new situation in initiating our archives work.
“为学生的终生幸福奠基”首先需要教师自身幸福。很难想象,一个不幸福的教师能够关注学生的幸福。什么样的教师才是幸福的?我们认为“成长着的教师是幸福 ”Lay the found
近日,大兴区数十个局委、镇、办事处的工会干部到区总工会共领取并填写了“十一五”规划纲要知识竞赛试题4900份。在公证员的 Recently, dozens of Daxing District Counci