
来源 :中国边防警察 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kaijiyu
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2016年初,海南省东方市委市政府召开精准扶贫开发工作会议,要求八所边防检查站对口帮扶东方市板桥镇高园村10户44人年底完成脱贫任务。八所边检站党委认真贯彻会议精神,按照全市扶贫攻坚总体部署,成立扶贫工作领导小组,抽调党委成员、副政治委员王首贵专门负责精准扶贫工作。将12万元资金列入专项扶贫预算,用作经费保障,将10名科队以上领导干部与10户贫困户形成一对一帮扶对子,建立电话联系通联表,签订《脱贫承诺书》。根据每户实际情况,从思想帮扶、技术帮扶、教育帮扶、住房维修改造等6个方面,进行具体针对性帮扶。目前所有帮扶对象达到吃不愁、穿不愁,教育有保障、医疗有保障、住房安全有保障的“两不愁,三保障”目标,实现了百分之百脱贫。现刊发副政委王首贵的扶贫日记,从中感受边检站官兵开展扶贫工作的重视与落实、细致与感情。 In early 2016, the municipal government of Dongfang Municipal Party Committee of Hainan Province held an accurate working conference on poverty alleviation and development, requiring eight border defense checkpoints to provide assistance to 44 of the 10 households in Gaoyuan Village, Banqiao Town, Dongfang City by the end of the year to complete their task of lifting poverty. The Party committees of the border police stations of the eight stations have conscientiously carried out the spirit of the conference and set up a leading group for poverty alleviation work in accordance with the overall deployment of the city’s poverty-relief workforce and transferred the party members and deputy political commissar Wang Shougui who are responsible for the precise poverty alleviation work. The 120,000 yuan of funds included in the special poverty alleviation budget for funding protection, the 10 teams over the leading cadres and 10 poor households to form a one-on-one pair of supporters, the establishment of telephone contact list, signed the “Pledge to Abandon” . According to the actual situation of each household, we give concrete targeted help from 6 aspects including helping with ideas, helping with technology, helping with education, and repairing housing. At present, all the help-objects reach the goal of eating and worrying, wearing worry, education guaranteed, medical care guaranteed and housing security guaranteed, and achieved 100% relief from poverty. Now published deputy chief of political commissar Wang Shougui’s anti-poverty diary, from the border inspection officers and soldiers feel the importance and implementation of anti-poverty work, meticulous and emotional.
[作文题目] 下面两个文题中,请任选一题作义。(1)家庭的_____(先把题目补充完整再作文,横线上可以填的词语如温馨、和谐、快乐、风波、矛盾、苦难……) (2)一粒种子顶开岩石,
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