Acute effect of tetrandrine pulmonary targeting microspheres on hypoxic pulmonary hypertension in ra

来源 :中华医学杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gsjsk
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Objective To assess the effect of tetrandrine (Tet) pulmonary targeting microspheres on hypoxic pulmonary hypertension and evaluate its selective action on pulmonary circulation.rnMethods Twenty rats were exposed to hypoxic conditions for 3 weeks. Ten rats were used as normoxic controls. We administered Tet pulmonary targeting microspheres to 10 hypoxic rats and Tet aqueous solution to 10 hypoxic rats and the 10 control rats. Mean pulmonary arterial pressure (mPAP) was measured by a right cardiac catheterization, and mean systemic blood pressure (mSBP) was measured by left femoral catheterization. rnResults Rats exposed to hypoxia developed pulmonary hypertension. The decrease in mPAP in rats treated with Tet pulmonary targeting microspheres was significantly greater than that in rats receiving Tet aqueous solution (P<0.05), and the effects were longer with Tet pulmonary targeting microspheres. Moreover, Tet pulmonary targeting microspheres, unlike Tet aqueous solution, did not decrease mSBP.rnConclusion Tet pulmonary targeting microspheres were more effective than Tet aqueous solution in treating hypoxic pulmonary hypertension and acted selectively on the pulmonary circulation.
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摘 要:随着时代的发展,信息化教学手段以其极强的生动性、互动性,在课堂上给予学生强烈的视觉冲击,发挥着其他载体无法比拟的积极作用。无线同屏技术的发展无疑给在教学一线奋战的老师们一个可以突破的新兴教学手段。本文主要阐述了什么是无线同屏以及如何在课堂上实现无线同屏的一些教学应用场景做了具体的介绍。笔者希望通过本文的阅读能够让广大教师在无线同屏技术的认识上有所帮助,结合自身教学实际展开思考,让技术为教育
边防部队地处边境一线地区,由于所处环境特殊,担负的任务独特,其卫勤保障存在一定困难。重视解决好这些瓶颈问题,对于边防部队守防戍边,提高作战训练效能具有“倍增器”的作用。  1存在的主要问题  1.1卫生干部队伍建设薄弱  一是缺编较多。高寒边远地区部队卫生机构普遍存在人员缺编的情况。二是业务素质偏低。高寒地区部队客观条件无法提供足够的临床实践,致使卫生干部专业知识和理论更新缓慢。三是思想不稳定。少