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王先明认为,学术意义上的区域史研究,是指在一定时空内具有同质性或共趋性的区域历史进程的研究,而近年来的所谓区域史研究,大多不过是研究的区域化取向而已。张利民认为,区域史是研究一定空间范围的历史,因此,研究者既要考虑环境对区域形成与演变的作用和影响,更要注重自然科学尚不能包容的政治、经济、社会、文化等人文因素。吴宏岐认为,区域比较研究目前已是学者们习惯采用的分析方法,但是,仅靠区域个性特征之间的比较还是远远不够的,还需用辩证统一的观点考察区域社会现象之间相互影响、相互作用的关系。唐力行认为,以往的中国近代史研究是以宏大叙事见长的,强调的是历史的阶段性和进步性,往往忽略了历史发展的延续性,而实际上,传统社会的延续性和巨大惯性仍在历史的深层左右着近代历史的定向。因此,关注历史发展的延续性,才能真正实现社会整体史的研究目标。 Wang Xianming believes that the study of regional history in the academic sense refers to the study of the historical process of the region with homogeneity or commonality within a certain space-time. In recent years, however, the so-called study of regional history is mostly merely a regional orientation of research . Zhang Limin believes that regional history is a history of studying a certain spatial extent. Therefore, researchers should not only consider the role and impact of the environment on the formation and evolution of the region, but also pay attention to the humanistic factors such as politics, economy, society and culture that the natural sciences can not tolerate . Wu Hongqi thinks that the regional comparative study is now an analytical method used by scholars. However, it is still not enough to rely solely on regional personality traits. It is also necessary to examine the interaction between regional social phenomena with dialectical unity, The relationship between the interaction. Tang Li-line believes that the past Chinese modern history research was based on the grand narrative, emphasizing the stage and progress of history, often neglecting the continuity of historical development. In fact, the continuity and huge inertia of traditional society are still In the depths of history around the orientation of modern history. Therefore, paying attention to the continuity of historical development can we truly achieve the research objective of the history of society as a whole.