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人应当做有道德的人,需要道德的感化和熏陶,学校作为传承人类文明成果和延续人类智慧与良知的特殊机构更需要有一个良好的道德环境。“道德教育的一个主要目标领域是学校。”道德教育要走进学校的一个重要前提是从道德的角度审视校园文化建设,笔者近几年参与学校校园文化建设,现就当前校园文化建设和德育的功能性及我校校园文化建设和德育现状的调查谈点浅见。 People should be ethical and need ethical influence and influence. As a special institution that inherits the achievements of human civilization and extends human wisdom and conscience, the school needs a good moral environment. “One of the main target areas of moral education is school. ” An important prerequisite for moral education to enter the school is to examine the construction of campus culture from the moral point of view. In recent years, I participated in the construction of school campus culture. Nowadays, And the function of moral education and our campus culture and moral education survey of the status quo.
The 3rd Plenary Session of the 6th National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC) General Assembly was held in Beijing on March 23,2010,with the participati
After evaluations jointly conducted by NSFC and K.T.Li Foundation,the following 7 cooperative research projects will be funded for 3 years.“,”After evaluation
Invited by Dr.Albert S. van Jaarsveld,President and CEO of the National Research Foundation(NRF) of South Africa,Prof.Chen Yiyu paid an official visit to South
Earlier this year, I learnt from Xinhua News that Professor Shi Changxu had been awarded the 'State Science and Technology Top Award' in China. It was not only a
NSFC Vice President,Prof.Shen Wenqing met with a delegation led by Mr.Akira Takamatsu,Executive Director of Japan Science and Technology Agency(JST) on April 6,
It is my greatest honor to learn that Professor SHI Changxu was a recipient of the China's National Top Award in Science and Technology in 2010 owing to his pion