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最富和最穷的国家世界上最穷的10个国家几乎全在非洲,亚洲仅有一席,那就是我们的近邻尼泊尔,排名第六。而世界上最富的国家几乎全在欧洲,除此之外,美国排名第四,日本排名第六。世界排名最穷的国家第一名是埃塞俄比亚,人均财富仅1965美元;世界排名最富的国家第一名是瑞士,人均财富达到了648241美元,两者相差300多倍。想当孝子不容易一项调查显示,当代中国年轻人的生活压力,是上世纪50年代的25倍,在照顾老人方面,面临最大的问题是没时间,精力不够。中国人民大学穆光宗教授认为:“在现代社会,要做孝子非常不容易,成本非常高。老人病了,子女们想24小时守在身边几乎不可能。”城镇居民“饭量”下降太快粮食部门公布了城镇居民“饭量”下降过快的消息,仅江苏城镇,居民年人均口粮消费从1978年的443斤下降到去年的213斤。2002年中国居民膳食营养调查也显示,城市居民谷类食物供用比仅为47%,明显低于中国营养学会推荐的60%的合理范围。营养专家指出,谷类比例的失衡将影响国民体质健康。 The richest and poorest countries Almost all of the 10 poorest countries in the world have one seat in Africa and Asia, and our neighbors, Nepal, are ranked sixth. The richest countries in the world are almost all in Europe. In addition, the United States ranks fourth and Japan ranks sixth. Ethiopia ranks first in the world’s poorest countries with a per capita wealth of only 1,965 U.S. dollars. Switzerland, the world’s richest country, has a per capita wealth of 648,241 U.S. dollars, a difference of more than 300 times. To be a dutiful son is not easy. According to a survey, the pressure on the lives of young people in contemporary China is 25 times that of the 1950s. In caring for the elderly, the biggest problem is lack of time and energy. Professor Mu Guangzong of Renmin University of China said: “In modern society, filial piety is not easy and the cost is very high. The elderly are sick and the children want to be around for 24 hours is almost impossible.” “Urban Residents” Decline too fast The grain department announced the news that the urban residents’ “appetite” dropped too fast. Only in cities and towns in Jiangsu, the annual per capita consumption of grain dropped from 443 kg in 1978 to 213 kg last year. In 2002, the survey on dietary nutrition of Chinese residents also showed that the supply of cereals for urban residents was only 47%, which was obviously lower than the 60% reasonable range recommended by the Chinese Nutrition Society. Nutrition experts point out that the imbalance of cereal proportions will affect the health of the population.
16MM棱镜补偿式高速摄影机因其拍摄频率范围宽,体积和重量较其它高拍摄影机 16MM prism compensated high-speed camera because of its wide range of shooting frequency
本文通过对乳状液滴大小及其分布的测定,探讨了液膜的稳定性及其对除酚效果的影响。此项实验对工业化应用提供了可靠的数据。 In this paper, by measuring the size and di
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新春二月,我们分享这个朝鲜族家庭的点滴往事。往事值得珍藏,因为曾经的受伤也会像葡萄熬炼成的美酒,沁出芳香。现在,他们正载着盼望,驶向爱和幸福深处。 In the spring of