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1 流域概况丹江口库区及上游流域为南水北调中线工程的水源区,包括汉江和丹江两大水系,涉及陕、甘、豫、鄂、渝、川6省(市)48个县(市、区),土地总面积9.73万 km~2,其中河南省7815.34km~2,涉及南阳市境内面积为6361.94km~2,总耕地面积6.94万 hm~2,林地37.21万 hm~2,人口112.58万人,农业人口103.35万人,2000年农业总产值22.66亿元,粮食2.73亿 kg,人均收入1 280元。区域位于河南省西南部伏牛山南麓秦岭东段余脉,属北亚热带北部边缘,南阳盆地温暖半湿润区的西部,为北亚热带季风型大陆性气候,全区气候温和,雨量充沛,多年平均降雨量820mm,多年平均径流深230mm,光热资源、水资源丰富,适宜南北植物生长,种类繁多。 1 Basin Overview The Danjiangkou reservoir area and its upper reaches are the water source areas of the mid-route of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project. These include the Han River and Danjiang two major river systems involving 48 counties (cities and districts) in Shaanxi, Gansu, Henan, Hubei, Chongqing and Sichuan provinces, ), With a total land area of ​​97,300 km ~ 2, of which 7815.34km ~ 2 in Henan Province, involving an area of ​​6361.94km ~ 2 in Nanyang, a total area of ​​6.94 million hectares, a forest area of ​​372,100 hectares, a population of 1,125,800 With an agricultural population of 1.0335 million. The gross value of agricultural output in 2000 was 2.266 billion yuan, with 273 million kg of grain and per capita income of 1,280 yuan. The area is located in the southern margin of the southern foot of Funiu Mountain in Henan Province Qinling Mountains in the eastern margin of the vein, is the northern margin of the northern subtropics, Nanyang basin in the warm and humid west of the western subtropical monsoon type continental climate, mild climate, abundant rainfall, multi-year average Rainfall 820mm, annual average runoff depth 230mm, light and heat resources, abundant water resources, suitable for plant growth in North and South, a wide variety.
日本记录介质工业协会在《2 0 0 3年世界记录介质产品预测》中指出 :“随着对个人电脑驱动装置需求量的大幅增加 ,记录型DVD的需求量将比 2 0 0 2年有大幅增长。”2 0 0 3年
Background and objective Lung cancer has not only become the most frequent malignant cancer which is increasing fastest among all the tumors, but also become th
Background and Objective The invasion and metastasis are not only the malignant markers and characteristics of lung cancer, but also the leading cause of failur
从农村公路建设的意义和问题入手,分析其养护的现状和存在问题,着重论述了几点关于农村公路建设与养护的相关应对策略。 Beginning with the significance and problems of