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近年来,比较文学迅速发展,东西方文化交流日益频繁和深入。在今年七月北京大学召开的中苏文学关系国际研讨会上,苏联学者介绍了中国文学在俄国和苏联传播的情况,这些直接来自异国他乡的信息反馈,使我们认识到,文化交流的影响从来都是双向的,而不是一边倒的,文学和文化的交流,对于促进各自文化的发展,增进两个民族的了解和友谊都是有益的。中苏文学关系国际研讨会是由北京大学俄语系暨苏联学研究所组织筹备,在北大未名湖畔景色秀丽的临湖轩召开的,有三十余位中苏学者参加会议。北京大学俄语系主任李明滨教授为会议所作的主题报告《中苏文字之交的回顾与展望》指出,早在明万历四 In recent years, comparative literature has developed rapidly, and cultural exchanges between East and West have been increasingly frequent and in-depth. At the International Symposium on Sino-Soviet Literary Relations held by Peking University in July this year, Soviet scholars introduced the spread of Chinese literature in Russia and the Soviet Union. These direct feedback from other places made us recognize that the impact of cultural exchange has never been greater They are both two-way rather than one-sided. The exchange of literature and culture is beneficial to promoting the development of their own culture and enhancing the understanding and friendship between the two peoples. The International Symposium on the Sino-Soviet Literary Relations was organized by the Russian Department of Peking University and the Institute of Soviet Studies. There were more than 30 scholars from China and the Soviet Union who attended the conference. Professor Li Mingbin, director of Russian Department of Peking University, gave a keynote speech entitled “Review and Prospect of the Writing of the Chinese and the Soviet Union”. As early as Ming Wanli IV
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这几年,我在从事干部的计算机短期培训教学的过程中发现,成年人参加计算机的短期培训具有这样的特点:①他们工作事务一般都比较繁忙,以后不可能有太 In recent years, when
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